Volunteers are an important part of our work here at Raksha. We are always looking for volunteers who have a passion for working to reduce domestic violence and other forms of oppression in our community. If you are reliable, flexible, and passionate about our work we would love to work with you!
Volunteer Process at Raksha
At Raksha, we handle sensitive and confidential work, so our volunteers undergo a thorough acceptance and onboarding process. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, parental consent is required. If you have any questions, please email volunteer@raksha.org.
Once the application is completed, the Volunteer Coordinator will email and set up an interview via zoom.
After the interview, if the volunteer is a good fit, they will be scheduled for a mandatory Volunteer Training session, either virtually or in person.
Communication about volunteer opportunities and tasks will be sent via our Volunteer WhatsApp Group and Sign Up Genius Email List. After completing training, the volunteer will be added to these channels.
Volunteering Skills & Expertise:There are several ways that subject matter experts and professionals can volunteer their time and skills. They can offer Q&A town halls, webinars or workshops on specific topics for survivors and community. For example, financial experts can offer personal finance workshops or family law experts can offer webinars on family law related questions or help direct service staff with client-related legal questions.
Fundraisers & Donation Drives: Community members can host donation drives for specific items or categories (best to check with Raksha staff on what are the high-need items at that time) Examples include diaper drives, sanitary pad drives, bicycle donations, grocery/ food gift card or item collection drives. These drives can be a great way to involve youth and families. Kids can help sort items, make posters, or pack donation boxes. More ways to amplify:
Facebook lets followers create individual fundraiser pages, which we should encourage for more visibility.
Ask your employer if they offer matching donations, if you are collecting quantifiable items or monetary donations, so you can double or triple the amount for Raksha.
Care Packages or Crafts for a Cause: Activities can involve crafts activities like making candles, wreaths or posters with messages of affirmation during Domestic Violence Awareness Month or small gift bags with self care items. Kids can also help parents assemble care packages with essential items (toiletries, non-perishable snacks, journals, etc.) for survivors.
Raksha Youth Club: High school age students can form Raksha Youth Clubs at their schools or community to meet periodically and do awareness or service projects for Raksha.
Event Volunteering (Raksha’s Events or Community Fairs or Cultural Events we table at): Helping with registration, setting up, handing out flyers, speaking to the community about Raksha. Communication for this is through a whatsapp group where we share upcoming events and help needed and the volunteer registers for various tasks via online sign up genius sheets.
Older Kids can help with simple tasks like passing out materials, decorating, or assisting with arts and crafts stations with parental consent and presence. We do not usually have kids (ages 17 & below) to table or represent Raksha by themselves at public events. We require parental waivers as well for their participation.
Awareness campaigns: Older kids 12+ years of age with the help of their parents can organize awareness campaigns at their schools or communities about mental health, healthy families etc. If there are any awareness themes parent groups want to involve their kids with, they are welcome to approach us at outreach@raksha.org.
Organize an event to uplift Raksha’s work: If the volunteer participates in a dance troupe, or yoga class, etc. you can organize a performance in honor of Raksha’s work and we will uplift and promote the event on our social media and other channels.