Crisis interventions allow for an immediate source of support in urgent situations that clients are otherwise unable to address themselves.
Employment and education services such as referrals, resume development, interviewing skills, application assistance, etc.
Individual and family counseling with adults and children allows clients an opportunity to begin to explore issues of self-esteem, boundaries, healing, etc. as related to the abuse.
Information and referral provides clients with much needed resources that they otherwise would not know how to obtain. Raksha provides referrals to a network of shelters, legal clinics, medical services, social services and social networking organizations.
Legal and general victim advocacy provides clients the necessary backing to begin to find legal recourse for their situations. Raksha’s staff and trained volunteers provide assistance in finding affordable legal counsel and/or accessing community-based legal programs.
Interpretation and translation services help clients to better understand and negotiate the many systems they may have to interact. Raksha staff also provides interpretation and technical support to mainstream agencies and shelters that serve South Asians.
Peer support volunteers provide additional support services to clients as needed/requested. Clients are taught basic survival skills (learning to use public transportation, accessing ESL classes, job search, budgeting, helping in buying a vehicle, & finding affordable housing.