What We Do

Raksha’s programs and services are designed to be holistic and support domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and their families. We provide culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate services including advocacy, counseling, crisis management, resources/referrals, safety planning, interpretation/translation, economic empowerment and support groups. In addition to these services, we initiate a variety of community and outreach activities.

Language Assistance:

Raksha provides assistance to clients with limited English proficiency. Our staff can speak the following South Asian languages: Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,Tulu and Konkani. Translation and interpretation services will be used for all other languages.
Please click on the Select Languages button (top right of any page) to read this website content translated in your language.

Advocacy forms the backbon­e of interventions at Raksha to support survivors of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault.

Advocates provide confidential services to survivors by helping them navigate different systems and strategize for their safety and well being. Advocates typically address a range of issues that survivors must negotiate including legal issues, housing, physical and mental health needs, financial support, children’s issues, etc. Raksha advocates provide non-judgemental support to survivors to ensure that they are heard and understood.

Below are some of the many ways in which our advocates support clients:

  • Thorough assessment of client situation and needs.
  • Language and specific support services.
  • Referrals to housing, legal, medical, shelters and food banks.
  • Referrals to other social service organizations/agencies.
  • Referrals to ESL (English as Second Language) classes, vocational training and certification classes.
  • Assistance applying for public benefits, victims compensation, unemployment benefits.
  • Ongoing emotional support.
  • Safety planning (more information coming soon)

Raksha serves both children and adult victims and survivors of crime, domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. We are proud of our Counseling Team who provide  competent and ethical services to our clients by prioritizing their needs. 

Some of the services we provide include: initial counseling assessment, crisis management, individual therapy for adults and children, family therapy, and support groups. Our counseling program also trains emerging professionals in the field of mental health.

Counseling and therapy play a critical role in the healing process for individuals, who have suffered severe physical, emotional or psychological trauma. Inability to seek timely help can expose abuse survivors and trauma victims to more severe emotional or psychological struggles and delay the process of healing. 

Individual and family counseling with adults and children allows clients an opportunity to begin to explore issues of self-esteem, boundaries, healing, etc. as related to the abuse. 

At Raksha, we believe that for economic empowerment is crucial for all survivors, whether they are considering leaving their abusive situation or are on the path to recovery from abuse and trauma.

With the objective of connecting clients to the resources they need to help them regain self-sufficiency and financial independence, we provide assistance in the following areas:

  • Basic survival skills (learning to use public transportation, accessing ESL classes, job search, budgeting)
  • Job search, resume development, interviewing skills. 
  • Applying for scholarships
  • Support in starting small business development

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