Join the Board

Raksha Board: Looking for Nominations

The Raksha Board of Directors is accepting nominations. The Board is responsible for setting policies for Raksha as well as ensuring its financial and operational stability. The Board meets monthly and each member takes a significant role in one or more of the Board’s volunteer committees. The main committees of the Board are Fundraising, Operations, and PR/Outreach. Board members generally serve a six year term. Raksha encourages individuals who have benefited from Raksha’s services to apply.


Ideal candidates should

  • Have demonstrated one year commitment to Raksha.
  • Have the ability to represent Raksha well and in a manner consistent with our mission
  • Have strong leadership skills
  • Be able to increase community relationships with Raksha.
  • Have previous board experience. Preferred but not required.
  • Have  some experience in  one or more of these areas: fundraising, marketing, family, corporate, or immigration law, technology development, organizational viability, strategic planning, accounting,  non profit management and fiscal management.
  • Have an understanding of Raksha’s work or the issues that Raksha deals with (either through personal experience, volunteer experience, or training).
  • Be committed towards a stronger and healthier South Asian American community and social justice work.

If you or someone you know meet the above qualifications, and would like to make a significant commitment of leadership, then you are invited to nominate yourself or another volunteer whom you believe meets these qualifications.

Application Process:

Please submit your resume and a cover letter that explains how you have already contributed to Raksha, and why you would like to join the Raksha Board. Candidates are subject to interviews by current board members.

Send a resume and cover letter by the attention Aparna Bhattacharyya or the Board by emailing and
If you prefer, you can sen a fax to 404- 876-4525, or mail us the information to Raksha Board Nominations Committee, P.O. Box 12337, Atlanta, Georgia 30355.

If you have any questions, you can call  the Raksha office at 404-876-0670.

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