Safety Planning

Safety planning can be helpful if you are in a dangerous situation. In order to ensure your safety and well-being, a plan can help reduce risk and provide you with options.

Get help creating your personalized Safety Plan HERE.

The Sikh Family Center has created a New Sikh Danger Assessment tool to assess domestic violence (in Punjabi & English) in Sikh communities.

Safety at Home:

  • Purchasing a cellular phone, if possible and keeping it in a pocket or in an accessible hiding place
  • Keeping a phone near you at all times
  • Pre-programming 911 or the number of a safe friend or relative in your contact list
  • Removing sharp objects and weapons from sight
  • Know the local resources around you (police departments, DV organizations, shelters)
  • Planning and practicing an escape route out of the home and a safety plan for any children
  • Changing the locks 
  • Preparing the children to respond to a batterer who comes to their school or to childcare facilities
  • Teaching the children not to let the batterer in the home (unless the batterer has a legal right to be there)

Safety at Work:

  • Identify who you will notify at work about your situation
  • Provide a photo of your abuser for identification
  • Have a safety plan to exit your workplace
    • Have someone escort you while leaving
  • Take different routes from home to work
  • Keep copy of protective order at work

Safety on the Computer:

Safety Planning When Preparing to Leave: 

  • Identify a trusted and safe person that you can stay with upon leaving (friend/relative)
  • Have a packed bag at this trusted person’s house with copy of important documents and change of clothing
  • Notify your child’s school/your job of your situation

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