Language Assistance is Available
To reach the Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program please call toll-free at 800-547-0060. In addition to trained Program Advocates available to assist you, the helpline can connect you to interpreters or local community organizations who can assist you. Additionally, if you or someone you know needs language assistance or help with completing the forms, please call Raksha at 404-876-0670.
All pages on the Raksha website are available for reading in different languages using the Select Language yellow button located on the top right corner and clicking on the flag icons. Raksha urges users to read our General Disclaimer at the bottom of this page before use of any third party language/translation services, apps or website plugin tools or sharing any translated information on our website.
Flyers – In South Asian Languages
Raksha is working towards providing translated portions of important information in the form of flyers and pages.
Flyers – Victims Compensation
Hindi | Urdu | Bangla | Gujarati | Nepali
Language access: Challenges and Needs
Raksha’s mission is to promote a stronger and healthier South Asian community through confidential support services, education, and advocacy. The South Asian community consists of individuals from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and is one of the most linguistically and culturally diverse ethnic minorities in the United States. A significant percentage of the South Asian community we serve are immigrants and refugees and have limited English proficiency (LEP) and/or reside in linguistically isolated households. In addition to providing free counseling to adults and children survivors of violence, Raksha strives to provide linguistically specific and culturally competent survivor services so that no person is denied access to services and benefits as the result of the inability or limited ability to communicate in the English language or in spoken English. If the client speaks a language that is not spoken by one of the staff and it is not an immediate emergency, Raksha will first identify if there is an organization that provides services in that particular language to ensure the client can get appropriate services and in case of emergencies or other considerations, access language line services. Given the sheer diversity among the South Asian populations in terms of origin country, language, faith, ethnicity, and the inherent challenges in translation from English to other languages, providing language access to serve all LEP needs is not easy.
If you can read and write in South Asian languages and would like to volunteer with Raksha for translating information and resources from English, please email us at: with (“Language Volunteer” in the subject line).
This page was produced by Raksha, Inc under grant number 15POVC-24-GK-02976-NONF, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, & U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this page are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Content & Translation:
The content on this page is provided on the Raksha website with the sole purpose of enhancing public access to information and basic awareness on Victims Compensation for our communities. The translations of any materials/information into languages other than English are not legally binding and are intended solely as a convenience to individuals who may have limited proficiency in reading or understanding English. Any translations provided on the Raksha website are to be viewed as an approximation of the original content. Raksha does not bear responsibility for the accuracy of translations provided by third party translation providers such as Google Translate or the language translation plug-in installed on our website or with the help of multilingual volunteers or native speakers of the language within our team. Due to the inherent complexities or nuances in translating from English to a foreign language, certain words may lose their full intended meaning or significance when translated from the original language to another. Hence, all text may not be translated correctly or with guaranteed accuracy. Some files and other items cannot be translated, including but not limited to, video content, graphical buttons, drop down menus, graphics, and photos. Additionally, some applications and/or services may not work as expected when translated and some portions of the page content may not be translated at all. In cases where we are not certain of the literal translation for a particular word, we may: (i) use the best match that comes closest to conveying the information needed to go out; or (ii) use the original English word written in the script of the language we are translating to. While we strive to provide the most current information, we cannot bear responsibility for maintaining status on updates or time relevance of the source materials, information or links to the official resources we source from. The content on victims compensation on the Raksha website has been sourced from the official website for the Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program or related official sources. References identifying the original document in English will be made available in most non-English documents. If there are any concerns regarding the accuracy of the information presented within the translated versions of our site, please refer back to the official source website or English-language pages on our website. To access the current information and updates, please visit: